Woman, you know how a man feels about you by the way he treats you.
By how he cares for you.

He wants to make sure you are okay.
He feels great when you feel great.
He does anything to keep you satisfied.
And he doesn't ask for anything in return. He feels it is his duty as a man.
It is his honor.
Masculine energy is providing energy.
When a man can provide you with things you desire he feels good about his purpose.
A man like that will keep space for your fears, insecurities, and all the flaws.
And he will gently help you to remove them.

Not because it bothers him.
But because it bothers you.
He doesn't take away your unpleasant feelings. You are responsible for them.
But he takes accountability for his actions.
He makes sure that his actions and behavior are aligned with his words and with the way he feels about you.
The wounded man who didn't heal will always point a finger at you the moment you trigger his old pains.
His ego will identify you as his enemy. Whatever you do, no matter how much love and affection you show him, the moment he is triggered he falls into his endless pool of victimhood.
His ego is holding up an image of his perfection and a world full of perpetrators. He genuinely believes everyone else is responsible for his pain.

A man without the ability of self-reflection is a highly toxic man. You can’t get through to him as his ego stands between you.
The best thing you can do is to leave.
The man who loves you enough to recognize the illusion of his ego and move through it in the name of Love is a man of honor and grace.
The difference between the two couldn't be greater and your daily life will be mirroring what your intuition is trying to tell you.
It’s up to you to acknowledge it and act accordingly.

If you constantly experience a lack of what you desire in your relationship, even after explaining yourself countless times and, and this is highly important, doing your inner work of healing the past traumas and reprogramming your mind, you need to take a step toward more self-worth and self-love. Because settling for less is always a sign of your low self-validation.

The man who truly loves you will sense what kind of a man you need and deserve and he will become that.
He will put his effort into healing and changing his non-supportive habits.
He will acknowledge his victimhood and take action to remove it.
He will see you fully and his actions will mirror that unmistakably.
All you have to do is to realize that you have a choice.
To attract such a man you have to heal your relationship to the masculine and cultivate the masculine qualities within.
This is the portal to your wholeness, happiness, joy, and pleasure.
When you rest in your inner masculine, when you trust him, you can lean into the feminine qualities and finally receive all that the Divine is gifting you with.

This is the path of Sacred Union. To achieve this state of being is the highest call of a human leading to the Union with the Divine and fulfilling the human Dharma.
Everything we do here, we do for Love.