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Finding your Purpose

I've dedicated my life to living my purpose. My Soul's purpose, I mean.  

Many years ago, I realized that living a mediocre life was not for me. I always sensed that there must be more to life than what most members of society live and preach.

I've always been a rebel.  

I made my parents very unhappy with me on many occasions. They were ashamed of me and blamed by my teachers and family.

I never understood what was wrong with me.  

I desired to be loved, but instead of love, I encountered a lot of rejection, and that hurt a lot.  

So, I put a hard shell around myself to protect myself. But underneath, I hurt and cried.  

Yet, no one saw my pain.  

They only saw the hardness.  

They saw what I let my ego show.  

You see, ego doesn’t always make us arrogant or give us a superior feeling. And if it does, it is just another sign of insecurity.  

My ego told me I was worthless, no good, not deserving, and worst of all, it told me I should die.  

I hated myself and my life. I felt victimized.

These hidden beliefs of my mind made me engage in many self-destructive habits.  

I was numbing myself, hiding from the world, and carrying a heavy load of perfectionism to control as much as I could.  

I felt unsafe otherwise.  

Feeling unsafe my whole life was the worst thing.  

I couldn’t trust anyone.  

Everything I carried within me was surrounding me. My experiences with life and the people I encountered were proof of everything my ego made me believe.  

But then, things started to change. I started to change.

I’ve been diving very deep into my subconscious, often with the help of plant medicine.  

I’ve been reliving numerous traumatic and painful experiences until many of my wounds were healed.  

I’ve come to understand exactly how these programmings work, where they come from, and how they influence us as long as we breathe.

Inside me, a quiet voice was always whispering the truth of my existence on Earth, and slowly I started to puzzle the pieces together.  

Many years of healing practices, therapies, and plant medicine led me to reconnect with my Soul and the Divine.  

I fully surrendered.  

I had no choice but to trust in this guidance.  

I was on my knees, lost everything, and had to survive with no income and no security.  

I was being consumed by fear for my existence.

At the same time, I found so much love, joy, and happiness within and created an incredibly magical life around me.  

My hard work started to bear fruit, and from one moment to the next, I experienced a huge shift on every level.

I’ve always been seeking answers to why I am here.  

Why are we all here? Why do we exist?

I found the answer for myself. With that answer came my calling to live my Soul’s purpose.  

Each day I focus on the legacy I want to create before I leave this Earth.  

My purpose is so clear, and it fills me with great joy and confidence.  

I trust that all I need to fulfill it is coming to me.  

As I am taking actions and small steps, I can see how everything is unfolding.  

I am meeting helpful people, visiting places, and receiving messages. All as a sign that I am on the right path.  

I’ve let go of everyone and everything that wasn’t supportive of my purpose.  

Everything that was toxic to me.  

Everyone who was playing manipulative games with me.

The liberation you feel once you get to this state is incredible.  

I still have fears, I still get angry, I still meet people who don’t have the best intentions for me.  

But my life is amazing. I realize we keep on growing and expanding our consciousness forever.  

I also realize that I have come very far from where I started. I have extensive knowledge of many things, worldly and unworldly.  

I am very proud of who I have become, and I love myself very much.

I am grateful for the lessons, but honestly, I wouldn’t want to do them again.  

It was a lot.  

The reward is more than I could ever imagine, though.  

And I know I deserve it.  

I know it was always my birthright.  

I am endlessly grateful and humbled by this experience and by all that I am receiving now.

Finding your purpose can be difficult when you are caught in the 3D life race. When you don’t have much time to sit with yourself or when you just don’t realize that there is more to your existence than what you are living right now.

I am learning from some of the smartest and wisest people. One of them is the founder of Mindvalley, Vishen Lakhiani. He says there are three most important questions to finding your purpose.  

So if you are asking yourself, "What is my purpose here on Earth?" I hope answering them will bring you some clarity.

1. What do you want to experience in life?

2. How do you want to grow and develop yourself?

3. How do you want to contribute to the world?

When you are asking yourself these questions, sit quietly and let the answers emerge from your subconsciousness.  

You will feel if they are true by the way you respond to them emotionally.

The moment your mind starts to give you all kinds of reasons why you can’t do, be, or have that, you will know what you need to work on. Those are your limiting beliefs and the reasons why you don’t live your purpose.  

Your mind is in the driver’s seat, preprogrammed to drive you in circles.  

It’s time to take over the wheel and decide your direction.

Connect with me if you need some help.  

Or come to one of my retreats where we dive deeply into anything that needs your attention right now.

I wish for everyone to live their juiciest life.  

Once you know how it feels, you want everyone to experience it.



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