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I Am Ayahuasca

Since I arrived in Mexico I've been blessed by the Divine grace flowing into my Life.

Divine, the highest frequency, the pure Light, Lifeforce, Creation.  

The highest version of me.

I am the Heaven

I am the Hell

I am everything in-between 

I travel through the realms

Through vibrational fields






As the consciousness of each of my versions is expanding I discover new ways of being

Of playing

Of enjoying


I've passed the Emerald fields of Anahata

I've surrendered to Love

Many years ago I begged the Divine for guidance

I felt a deep longing for Enlightenment

I realized it's not something to be achieved

It is a gift

A great Divine gift granted as a reward for absolute trust and surrender

For the acceptance of our path,

Of the mission 

For the effort of bringing the Light to the darkest realms of myself

The world I perceive outside is the same world that exists in me

Because I am everything

To remind myself I've created many versions that I am meeting in different forms

In flesh 

In air 

In water

In fire

In Earth

In you

I've created symbols to remember my path 

I am giving myself the signs to know what is my next step

To surrender even deeper

To trust the Divine

To trust me

To trust you

Trust comes with Love

Trust comes when I know me

Then I know you

I am following my higher Self showing in my Life as wise brothers and sisters 

As Shamans

As Masters 

As Lovers

As I am journeying through higher realms the lost parts of me, those who are still suffering, chained, and enslaved in the darkness of the ill mind, are being purified and liberated



They too are re~membering. 

With me 

With the Source of Life

Leaving the illness for what it is

Choosing Light 

Returning home

All I need to do is to hold space for them and let them come. Whenever they are ready.

I am here

I am now

I am always

I am everywhere

I am the healer and the healed

I am the ill mind

I am the medicine

I am Ayahuasca unlocking the hidden chambers filled with Light codes of Love

I am the sister longing for a Soulful connection,


I am the brother longing to be loved,


I am the blessed and the blessing

There is nothing else and there is everything

I've chosen to embody the Divine feminine in this moment of my existence

And I am totally in Love with her

I am deeply grateful for her guidance

For the medicine she is 

In many forms, she is all around

The archaic wisdom of the feminine called me to my healing in the form of Sacred plant medicine, 

the ancient Shaman Grandmother Ayahuasca

She gifted me with the most beautiful and transformative ceremonies

Full of surrender, Love, joy, and Light

Triumph of the Feminine

It is an honor to be surrounded by brothers and sisters who are taking responsibility in this world

There is nothing more we need to do except heal ourselves and surrender to Love

If you feel you are the One, you are invited

Come, and work with this medicine

Work with Love

Become Light in the human body

The medicine will guide your Spirit to the most mysterious places where the mind surrenders to the heart 

Where you will be liberated

Where you and I meet

Where we unite in Oneness

Where we realize it was never you and me

It was always I



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