There are certain powers, acting in our world beyond our current level of innerstanding.
I have studied and used the law of attraction for many years and can confidently say that I innerstand well how it works.
For our benefit but also against us, if we don’t use it the right way.

We all are involved in creating chaos, which seems to be happening all over the world for the past few years. But it was here long before we were born.
Collectively we felt subconsciously, and many of us consciously, the need for purification on personal and global levels.
We all desire to change for the better. Even if unconsciously, we've been asking for freedom, love, abundance, and safety of all beings.
We are learning on a massive scale how to forgive and love.
How to care for each other, no matter what.
Some have passed this great “test” and some haven't.
They will have another opportunity.
We are shifting into a new realm. Something so extraordinary that most don't even dare to dream of.
And as a rite of this passage, we need to fully innerstand the level of forgiveness.
We need to go to the deepest layer of possibilities. To inner-stand.
We need to explore all facets of Forgiveness.
We are collectively shifting into a new vibration.

Many will not see it yet but it can be felt.
When you open your heart and let it feel again, after so many years of numbness.
When you can do that and forgive at all levels, each kind of crime, then as a collective, you create this shift.
Many were needed and many joined.
Their pain opened our eyes and we started to awaken.
These Souls came forth to teach everyone so we can collectively shift into a higher frequency.
How else could we do that if not by facing the most horrifying testimonials of the most innocent about what has been done to them?
Once we know we never can turn our heads away from it. We will look closely at our individual piece of darkness and we'll confront it.

Herein lies the Great Work of the Soul.
Herein lies our salvation.
Once you free yourself fully from the darkness then you will never want to have any of it in yourself. Therefore forgiveness is the only logical choice. If we, as humanity, can forgive anything we will be free of darkness.
It ceases to exist.
Pure Love.
~ Nika