Two and half years ago, I met a shaman and master musician who made me change my mind about Ayahuasca medicine. Thank you so so much for your guidance and support, brother.
Although I swore I would never do it again after an experience in the Netherlands, there was something in his words, when he said after my Bufo experience: "You have to finish your work, sister"
I looked into his eyes and thought “F**k (sorry for my mind's language, but it was a shock) he is right!"
My Journey started and continues to be magical and mysterious beyond imagination.
My Work isn't finished though.
Oh no, once you get on that Amazonian Serpent, the Work is just starting.

Her guidance, wisdom, and Love for me are ever-present.
I feel her gentle vines growing inside my body and her leaves gently caressing my skin.
She and I are One.
As everything.
As everyone.
She shows up as a sweet Grandmother, soothing me when I am confused and caught by fears.

She shows up as an Ancient Shaman when she comes to teach me.
She shows up as a big blue butterfly whenever I am on a path toward my destiny.
She guides me as the White Serpent, telling me what to do and where to go.
And when I drink her, Light spreads through my body and colorful flowers show up in my mind.
I receive messages.
She invites me to be courageous.
To get up and celebrate my Life.
So I dance.
I let my body be taken by the Divine music coming from the instruments played by fingers guided by her as well.
I surrender to her voice coming through the shaman's Icaro as he receives her.

I hold space for myself, my sisters, and my brothers as the Darkness is surfacing.
She is removing it and replacing it with Love and the brightest Light, straight from the Source.
I surrender in the deepest gratitude and honored by her presence.
I realize who I truly am.
She showed me my purpose, my destiny, my desires.
And I am following her on that Journey.
I know, it is my Way and my responsibility.
I was born for this.
I am inviting you to do whatever it takes to join this Journey of humanity,
Journey to the Light.