Self-love is a radical step towards the most abundant life.
It's the most rebellious thing you can do to destroy the system of lies, corruption, and slavery that captured our minds.
It's the only possible way out of the shackles that keep us chained to the misery of what we are perceiving collectively as the Truth.
The only savior that will ever come to save you is the one coming from inside.
There is no God from heaven coming to fight your fights and save you from the battle.
It's your ability to allow self-love that decides what your experience of life will be.

Isn't it kind of amazing how we are so ready to accept a life of suffering and how we push away that which we know would make us unbelievably satisfied?
How easily do we embrace the unfulfilling destiny and watch from the sidelines how that which we truly desire is passing us?
Isn't it mind-blowing to realize that we're programmed to live, experience, and embrace anything but Love?
This is exactly what has led us to find ourselves amid this madness.
That which the world is going through right now is the manifestation of our inner world.
Chaos, self-abuse, disconnection, and suppression have filled our bodies, minds, and hearts.

We are realizing it now.
We are making this real.
We are creating the reality of our inner state outside of ourselves and experiencing it.
Because through the experiences we learn to feel.
Feeling awakens the ability to decide what we want and what we don't want.
We can choose what our next experience will be.
As a collective, we are experiencing how it feels to be totally powerless only to awaken the desire to feel the opposite.
We want to feel what is on the other side of the stick.
We want to feel powerful.
We want to explore and expand to the feeling of absolute freedom.
As a collective, we can achieve this only when everyone individually decides to evolve to this new state of being.
That's why it is so important to inspire each other by stepping up and showing ourselves fully, even though we are not perfect.
By becoming radical in following our hearts we will inspire others to do the same.
This is the time when we are starting to realize that it is no longer possible to hide behind the illusion of our own smallness.
This is the time we have to become radical in the way we Love ourselves.
Because the level of self-love we find ourselves at is the guideline for others to how to treat us.
As they are looking at us and our behavior towards ourselves they are drawing a blueprint inside their unconscious mind of their behavior towards us.
All of our unhealed wounds will show them the patterns of our frequency and they will duplicate them and send them back to us.
Love we feel for ourselves will show them the patterns which again they will mirror.
There is no hiding, no illusions about who we are and where we are at.
We will be confronting ourselves through the experience of the life we create.
Self-love heals.
Self-love is the greatest transformational energy we can encounter.
Isn’t it something that we hold this energy inside ourselves?
We can decide and tap into its power at any moment of our lives.
Self-love has the power to heal our physical bodies, our minds, our relationships, and our whole lives.
Self-love means to radically choose to follow only your own heart.
To step up and not only receive but actually claim our birthright, the abundant existence on every level of our lives.

Imagine how that would feel.
Imagine how the world would be.
What would you choose if you’d love yourself fully?
~ Nika