She, who creates herself.
And so I did.
Last year was the time of my greatest growth.
In January I moved into my apartment after being homeless for three weeks.
I've looked into the eyes of unimaginably distorted being whose purpose was a total destruction of who I was becoming.
A being, which was depriving me of Love in such a harsh and invisible way that I couldn't see it.
Until that one gaze.

I chose Life.
To live I had to die many times.
And in each death, there was a rebirth.
Agony and despair slowly made a place for trust and surrender.
I’ve worked hard.
From the first cup of Ayahuasca over two years ago till today, I've been consecrating my Life to the Divine.
I've served in every way I was called to while sacrificing all I ever knew as the Truth.
It was all illusions.

Frightened by what I will encounter I descended into the dark Abyss. I knew it was the only way to find the Light.
Every dive I took I traveled deeper.
Every time I resurfaced I was elevating higher.
Until I hit the bottom.
Until I met God.
Guided and held by the Divine Mother I called in Love so pure that it breaks the Heart open beyond any expectation.
I submitted myself to God only.
All or nothing.
The most empowering decision I've ever made. Devoted to Love.
I got everything.
Now it's my time to live.
To love.
To create.
To share.
To gift the world with grace flowing through this loving eternal union.
There is no beginning, no end.
Love just is.

I am Love
You are Love
We are Love
I made it.
~ Nika