Before we make the things and experiences in our lives truly beautiful, we have to take down the ugly, the dirty, and the non-functional.
We have to descend before we ascend.

This innerstanding came to me some years ago when I attended the Priestess school. While I was crawling down through a very narrow and steep tunnel to the lowest chamber of the Giza pyramid, to create a spectacular ritual with my sisters and brothers. Once we were done with the first part, we had to crawl back to continue further up to the Queen's chamber and the King's chamber afterward.
Descending and ascending.
Nowadays more people are realizing that our world consists of vibrations that are being translated into material expressions. If we want to see beauty and love, we need to vibrate higher. To be able to ascend into such a state we have to travel to the uncharted territories of our mind, transform whatever has been dwelling in the abyss for ages, and re-create the foundation of the worlds we want to build - the inner and the outer. How we truly feel inside exactly resonates with our experiences in life.

We are right on that path, all of us, together, at this very moment. We are taking down the ugly, the dirty, the non-functioning.
We are breaking the chains while removing the collective drama, getting ready to unmask ourselves, to step into our true identity - the identity
of loving beings who just know how to break up with the evil system that has been keeping us in jail for so long.
We know who we are, where we came from, and where we want to go. Deep inside we remember our destination.
Our Souls will not rest until we get there. We have our strength, and we are being led out of the dark.
I’ve been working with my shadows for many years and used a broad variety of practices to heal my traumas from this life and other lives.
When I was ready for the next step, the Amazonian medicine called me and I answered.

Trying to either save my previous relationship or bring a peaceful breakup I was guided to a special place in the jungle in Mexico, close to where I live. I found a place where different medicines were offered and I just knew, I needed to work with them and see if they could help me.
I was desperate at that point and it felt like the last resort. I had no idea that this would be the start of an incredible journey.
Today, I am a totally new person and live an amazing life. I thank it all to the Spirits of the medicine that called me at that time.
For over a year I knew I wanted to journey with Bufo Alvarius, but until then, I couldn’t find the right place and person to facilitate it for me.
When I found this little gem close to Playa del Carmen I was excited and booked a week’s stay.

The first night I was introduced to a Temazcal ritual. It was all so magical with the singing, hot stones representing Grandmothers, and herbs and it left me very refreshed and relaxed.
The next morning I was going to work with the medicine of Kambo. The shaman was waiting for me in the temple. He was a sweet man dedicated to plant medicine with many years of experience. After a short talk, I felt very comfortable with him and fully trusted the upcoming process.

All I knew was that this medicine comes from a frog, and he explained to me well how it is harvested and used. He gave me all the information about what to expect, how I might feel, and how long it takes.
Meanwhile, I had to drink lots and lots of water; I was getting nauseous just from those amounts. I drank at least nine big glasses in less than an hour. Then he asked me if I was full.
I looked up and just nodded. He smiled and said, "Good, you can drink one more."
With all my willpower, I drank almost the whole glass but couldn't get myself to finish it.
I was now ready to receive the Kambo medicine. The shaman made three tiny scars on my shoulder where the medicine would be entering my body moments later. It was my first time, so he told me that three spots might be enough; if not, he would add another one. He didn't need to. A few seconds later, I started to feel light palpitations and a rush. It was as if my face was getting terribly swollen. I felt slight panic and then I remembered that he told me to stay alert and breathe deeply.

I stared at the greenery outside of the temple window and connected with nature. I was talking to myself to calm myself down and surrender to the medicine.
Just a few moments later, all the water started to come out. I barely grasped the bucket in front of me. It was coming while the shaman was sitting in front of me and singing a beautiful healing song, gently beating on the drum. Later I would learn that these traditional shamanic songs are called Icaro and they invite the Spirit of the medicine to work in our bodies, minds and spirits to cleanse us and bring us healing.
The shaman was watching me closely and was encouraging me to keep going, to get the toxins out of my liver and gallbladder - something I felt I needed to do for a long time.
Some years ago, I did profound cleanses with prolonged water fasting, but in the time between then and now, I knew I polluted myself again.
These toxins are not just physical. There are emotions kept in our livers, especially anger and frustration. I was able to release a lot with this incredibly powerful, yet gentle medicine. While I was purging I was affirming the things I wanted to let go of in my life.
I released it all into the bucket. It had a lime green color; I hadn’t seen anything like that before.

When I thought I was done, the shaman walked up to me, took my hand, and softly commanded me to put my finger in my throat. He was helping me, and it felt so natural and comfortable with his support during a situation that many would experience as disgusting. He looked at my face and said that I was done. He recognized it because it depends on the color of the face, he explained to me. I too felt like nothing else wanted to come out.
He then told me to seek a nice tree and offer my bucket to Mother Nature so she could transmute it. While I stood by the tree I chose, I was looking into the bucket and found some interesting things. It looked like there were tiny flowers. I offered it all to the Earth with a prayer and gratitude.
I felt super energized and light, ready for a fruity breakfast prepared for me by a lovely woman. After that, I went to the cenote for a refreshing swim and took it easy for the rest of the day. I was ready for the Bufo, which would take place the next morning. My whole being was excited.
I was so grateful for this place, for the call I heard, and for my courage to follow through with all these unknown experiences. I felt like a lot came off of me that day. I am truly grateful for this work and for my life, which is bringing me these extraordinary encounters.
Life is a precious gift, and we have to do anything in our power to truly realize it.
~ Nika