The greatest killer of your Life's most incredible experiences is the “shouldn’ts” of other people.
Their limitations thrown over you like a heavy and dark net will suffocate your aliveness which expands when the inspiration drops in. Their “shouldn’ts” will paralyze you and destroy every seed of your newly born creation if you let them cover your be-ingness with their fears.

When we run to the small people with our great ideas, plans, desires, and feelings of “Yes, I want this, I can do, be, or have this” we are confronting their weaknesses, their lack of self-worth, self-love, and self-expression. Obviously, they don't like that.
They immediately reach into their limited minds, consult their fears, and their old patterns, and give you this very convincing: “you shouldn't”.
And as well-behaved as you are, you remember your own smallness and just shut off the Divine flow that was pouring gold and shimmer all over you.
You bow your head and push all of your dreams aside.
To fit in.
To be validated.
To be loved.
But the kind of Love you long for will never come from that place. Because that's the place of lack.
Full of conditions. And even if you try to meet all of these conditions, a new one will arise as you go.
You will be getting exhausted each step of the journey trying to please everyone but yourself.
Longing for approval and validation of your sacrifice. But they’ll never come.
Because no one can feel the depths of your sacrifices but you.
No one will ever validate it and love you for it.
They might even throw it onto the ground, step on it, and even spit on it. Making you feel guilty for having hopes, and desiring more from this experience of Life.
It's only up to you to go for what you want.
Be devoted to loving guidance.
Walk your own path confidently, invincibly, and determined.
If you truly feel it in your heart, you don't need anyone's approval. They don't even need to agree with your choices.
This Life was given to you to experience.
To express yourself.
To expand.
Your Life is a Divine creation and your only responsibility is to live it to the fullest.
It doesn't mean you don't care for others or their feelings.
It means you don't let others take away what's here for you. In the end, we all have the same rights and possibilities.
If you live your Life unapologetically guided by Love you will inspire others to do the same.
This is the greatest gift you can give them. When you show them how to be truly free you’re inviting them to liberate themselves too.

There is no greater Love than Love that gifts with freedom. Freedom to be, have, and experience whatever your heart desires for this lifetime.
When you follow your Soul's guidance, you will always walk on the right path. But you might need to let some people go and walk with those going in the same direction.
People who don't feel triggered by your greatness.
People who will celebrate your prosperity and Love for life with you.